Sunday 28 February 2021

Should you care about the upcoming Apple iPad?


Apple is expected to launch an iPad Pro refresh, and possibly a new iPad mini – among other things – at its upcoming March event later next month. But, is the iPad Pro, or any iPad for that matter, still a product that users should be excited about?

Just like its iPhone line-up, Apple’s iPad lineup has something for everyone, with various sizes, colors, and performance figures. While the iPad mini – rumored to be sacrificed for a foldable iPhone within the next couple of years (note: only if it folds out to a bigger canvas) – is still the easiest to manipulate, it offers just a slightly larger display than a large phone. In this particular case, the iPhone 12 Pro Max.

Something (an Apple iPad) for everyone

If you’re using your iPad for work, the 12.9 and the 11-inch iPad Pro models have everything you need, whether you’re a graphic designer, photographer, or light content creator. 

The new iPad Air, with a slightly smaller display, is a more personal device, thanks to the color options it comes in. It’s a happier tablet that doesn’t scream business like the iPad Pro unless you choose to go for the Space Gray version. This is typically a tablet for media consumption, light office work, and social media, and not because it lacks in horsepower.

new iPad Air

Then comes the classic iPad with the old design, but with a really attractive price tag, and last comes the iPad mini, the smallest of all, with just a hair under eight inches. 

At the end of the day, we all use the iPads differently, but it’s safe to assume you won’t go for the iPad Pro if all you use it for is watch Pocketnow videos on YouTube.

Is an extra device necessary?

This is a question many, including companies, have tried to answer. Manufacturers have slowly started bridging the gap between smartphones and tablets. This was how the phablet category was created, and today, a six-inch smartphone is pretty much standard, just under two inches away from the smallest iPads (or tablets in general, for that matter).

The question seems to be unanswered, as the problem at its core still remains unsolved. The larger and larger smartphones are getting, the harder and harder they can be fit inside your pockets, purses, etc., which is a problem tablets were facing from the get-go. Trying to solve this problem (among other things, like technological advancements) gave birth to the extremely expensive foldable smartphones which aim to offer the best of both worlds.

iPhone and iPad

But, since not all of us can afford a $2,500 foldable smartphone, and carrying your laptop everywhere you go is not always feasible, I’m afraid the extra device is necessary, with a caveat.

It all comes down to your usage and preference

The only places I’m using my Apple iPad are in the bedroom for the end of day e-book read and Pocketnow Daily video, at the park or coffee shop (if it’s open during the various pandemic health and security protocol stages) to consume media and news, as well as while at my parents or friends’ house, where I need to often have a larger screen but don’t want to carry my laptop.

So, in my case, I do care about the iPad. Well, not “the next iPad”, since I have a fairly fresh model, but as a product category, and I’ll likely care about the 2022 or 2023 iPad when it will be time to upgrade my current model.

How about you? Drop us a line below and tell us whether you care about the iPad or not. Or any tablet, for that matter.

Thanks for reading! Welcome to The Editor’s Desk!

Anton D. Nagy

Anton is the Editor-in-Chief of Pocketnow. As publication leader, he aims to bring Pocketnow even closer to you. His vision is mainly focused on, and oriented towards, the audience. Anton’s ambition, adopted by the entire team, is to transform Pocketnow into a reference media outlet. Contact: [email protected]


The post Should you care about the upcoming Apple iPad? appeared first on abangtech.


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