Thursday 30 July 2020

Apple once considered increasing App Store commissions to 40%

Apple’s 30% commission on certain apps is one of the main areas Apple CEO Tim Cook was grilled on during Wednesday’s U.S. House Judiciary Committee antitrust hearing.

However, according to Apple internal emails revealed as part of the hearing, Apple has actually previously considered increasing its cut from 30% to 40% in some cases.

The suggestion was made way back in 2011. In an email to other Apple execs in March that year, Apple senior vice president of Internet Software and Services Eddy Cue argued that:

“For recurring subscriptions, we should ask 40% of the first year only but we need to work a few deals to see what is right. I think we may be leaving money on the table if we just asked for about 30% of the first year of sub.”

Today, Apple charges developers with recurring subscription revenue 30% in their first year. This then drops to 15% for subsequent years. However, some developers have argued that this is still too high.

App Store commission

Cue’s email was likely turned over to investigators as part of a request to Apple execs made last year. Tim Cook and others were asked to make their emails available as part of the antitrust probe.

It’s not clear why Apple decided against ramping up prices or how seriously the suggestion was taken. Since the App Store only launched in 2008, it was still in its relative infancy at the time Cue made his suggestion.

Tim Cook was quizzed on the idea of Apple increasing its App Store fees during Wednesday’s hearing. Hank Thompson (D-Georgia) asked Tim Cook what was to stop Apple increasing its commission to 50%.

Cook said that Apple had never increased its fees. He also made it sound as though it would not consider doing this. That’s because it could put top developers off wanting to use the App Store.

“There is a competition for developers just like there’s a competition for customers,” Cook said. “And so the competition for developers, they write their apps for Android or Windows or Xbox or PlayStation. So we have fierce competition out the developer side and the customer side.”

Cook also stated that 84% of apps in the App Store are charged nothing.


The post Apple once considered increasing App Store commissions to 40% appeared first on abangtech.


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