Tuesday 28 July 2020

Machine Learning is Transforming Modern Healthcare – Machine Learning Times – machine learning & data science news – The Predictive Analytics Times

 The pandemic has propelled the adoption of innovation and technology in healthcare. Telemedicine visits have spiked as more providers embrace new digital front doors to the healthcare system. Among the technologies fueling innovation in the healthcare sector, machine learning is perhaps the most promising. Machine learning frameworks are making an impact where it matters most for patient care: security, speed and flexibility. Between enabling powerful predictive capabilities, fueling innovative mobile applications, and supporting greater access to care in remote areas, we’ve highlighted five impactful use cases that reveal how machine learning is transforming modern medical care in ways that are

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The post Machine Learning is Transforming Modern Healthcare – Machine Learning Times – machine learning & data science news – The Predictive Analytics Times appeared first on abangtech.

source https://abangtech.com/machine-learning-is-transforming-modern-healthcare-machine-learning-times-machine-learning-data-science-news-the-predictive-analytics-times/

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