We have been expecting an Apple TV update for quite a while now. The current gen-5 device launched back in 2017, and rumors claim that we may soon get a refresh. Some say that the new device will feature more storage space, and even a U1 chip to transform it into a new Ultra Wideband base-station, but rumors don’t end there. Now, rumors also suggest that the new Apple TV would also be a great buy for anyone who loves gaming.
According to a report from Bloomberg, we may finally get an Apple TV refresh next year. The new device is expected to feature an upgraded remote, and improved feature that would include a new processor and up to 128GB of storage space. However, Mark Gurman also claims that this new Apple TV will focus on gaming.
“For next year, Apple is planning an upgraded box with a stronger gaming focus, an updated remote, and a new processor. Those changes will fix some of the Apple TV box’s issues, but the product will need to take another big leap—akin to its 2015 changes—to remain competitive in the long term.”
We also get information suggesting that the new Apple TV remote will come with the Find My application. This means that it will be easier to find if it ever goes missing, just like you can easily track a lost iPhone or iPad. Rumors also suggest that we may get a new A14 processor powering the show. However, the most relevant would come hand in hand with Apple Arcade, as the new Apple TV would be able to run exclusive games that wouldn’t be available on the existing models.
New Apple TV 4K with A12X – 64GB/128GB ready to ship.
Codename: Neptune T1125
Another one of those things that could drop any time. Apple got no chill right now
I’ll let you know if/when I hear a date. Who knows, maybe Apple can keep it a secret from me
— Jon Prosser (@jon_prosser) May 7, 2020
However, I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for the new Apple TV, as we have been waiting for the upgraded version to arrive since the first half of 2021 when Jon Prosser said that the new 4K version with 64/128GB versions with the A12 processor was ready to ship. But unfortunately, here we are, still waiting.
Source 9to5Mac
The post Apple could give us a gaming-focused Apple TV in 2021 appeared first on abangtech.
source https://abangtech.com/apple-could-give-us-a-gaming-focused-apple-tv-in-2021/
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