Sunday 6 December 2020

Samsung Galaxy Fit2 fitness tracker in the review: Better than its predecessor and significantly cheaper.

Samsung supports numerous sports modes. Ten of them can be transferred to the fitness band, and you can decide whether the display should remain permanently on during the workout. The Galaxy Fit2 does not have its own GPS. There is no reference in these specifications to the use of the smartphone GPS (A-GPS). Nevertheless, it signals its use with a green GPS icon when it is connected; however, the training record does not provide a route record.

For our test, three runs were made using the Galaxy Fit2. In the first one, the smartphone was also included, but the logged distance deviated significantly from the distance actually run. Possibly the Bluetooth connection broke down in between. In two further runs, the smartphone remained on the desk. In this case, Samsung deduces the stride length from the body height, if it is stored in Health; in combination with the sensor data, an estimate of the distance covered is possible, which was surprisingly successful in the test: In the second run, the determined distance deviated by about 300 m (~328 yards) from the actual one (about 5 km/3.1 miles), in the one before only 50 m (~55 yards). Whether the algorithm always works this well depends on several factors and cannot be said with certainty.

For a swimming training simulated in the test, the situation is different: In a dry run, the Galaxy Fit2 counted both the number of swim strokes correctly and the lanes indicated by changes in direction. If it is necessary to leave the smartphone in the locker, the length of the lanes (25 m/~27 yards by default) should be changed before entering the pool hall, because this is not possible on the tracker itself.

The tracker did not always recognize the simulated swimming style correctly, which may have been due to the execution. It’s a pity, however, that if Samsung misinterprets the swimming style, it is not possible to correct it in the log.

During the workout with the rowing machine, Samsung did not foresee counting the moves until the end of the test, although the sensors could certainly detect them.


The post Samsung Galaxy Fit2 fitness tracker in the review: Better than its predecessor and significantly cheaper. appeared first on abangtech.


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