While Xiaomi is working on launching the Mi 11 in China on December 28, the company is looking forward to expanding the Mi 10 lineup in India. Last month, it unveiled the Mi 10T series that includes the vanilla variant and a Pro model. Now, the company has teased the launch of a new phone on January 5 in India. It is teased to come with a quad rear camera setup, which would be led by a 108MP primary camera. It could be the cheapest phone with those number of megapixels to be launched in India. Xiaomi has emailed press invites for the upcoming launch that has the caption “#ThePerfect10.”
According to past rumors, the Mi 10i is tipped to launch in India in models such as 6GB RAM + 128GB storage and 8GB RAM + 128GB storage. It could arrive in black, blue, orange/green gradient color. While there is no word on pricing and availability yet, the device is said to feature a 6.67-inch FHD+ IPS LCD display with 120Hz refresh rate support. It might sport a 108MP primary camera that might be accompanied by an 8MP secondary camera and two 2MP sensors. On the front might lie a 16MP selfie shooter. The upcoming mid-range device could pack a 4,820mAh battery with support for 33W fast charging.
The smartphone was recently spotted on Geekbench with the model number M2007J17I and “gauguinpro” codename is said to reveal that it is the Indian version of the Redmi Note 9 Pro 5G. It is powered by an SoC with a base frequency of 1.80GHz, which is likely the Snapdragon 750G chipset. It was spotted running Android 10 and has 8GB of RAM. Moreover, the device scored 652 and 2004 points in single-core and multi-core tests respectively. We expect the company to tease its specs one by one leading up to the launch.
The post Xiaomi announces Jan 5 event in India; Mi 10i expected appeared first on abangtech.
source https://abangtech.com/xiaomi-announces-jan-5-event-in-india-mi-10i-expected/
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